2024 Kingsclere Photo Club Programme

January 3rd – Two talks by members.

Chris will talk about his visit to Western Canada, and Tony about his trip to Brazil.                     

Launch of the Urban Architecture challenge, with an introduction by Rebecca.

February 7th – Photo critique

This will be an in-depth critique of 2 images from each member, the first half led by Bob and the second by Mike. Images are to be supplied in advance, so that Mike and Bob can prepare their comments. More details will be provided nearer the time.

March 6th – Water

Andreea Vas will talk about photographing water in all its forms. There is a short profile on her website: https://www.aeva.uk/

Afterwards we will launch a water challenge.

April 3rd – Some ramblings on post-processing

Mike Harrison will talk in general terms (i.e. with minimal reference to software) about image post- processing.

May 1st – How I process my photos

Four short talks by members on how they process their images, what software they use, and what they do with the processed images.

June 5th – Critique

A two-part evening.

The first part will be a critique focused on framing or cropping. The idea is to show various versions of one image to explore how framing or cropping affects the final image. Either framed differently in camera or cropped differently in post-processing or an original image and then the crop applied.

The second part will be a review of the urban architecture challenge images, up to 3 images per member.

July 3rd – Photo walk and pub.

An evening walk around Pamber Forest with our cameras followed by a chat over a drink in a nearby pub. Details to be confirmed nearer the time.

August – no meeting

September 4thWatership Down and photo walk review

Unfortunately Belinda Alker is unable to be with us due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead Gareth Martin will talk about his Watership Down project.

In the second half we will review the images taken on the July photo walk.

October 2nd – Water challenge review

We will review our photographs from the water challenge.

October 12th/13th – ** Annual exhibition **

Our annual exhibition of member’s photographs in Kingsclere Village Club.

November 6th – Light painting

Liz Hammond will lead a practical session of light painting. Bring tripods and cameras and capture some special effects.

December 4th – AGM and Print of the Year

Our traditional end of year evening. The AGM followed by a print competition. There will be reports on the year’s activities and the election of club officers and committee will take place. After the AGM we will hold our annual print competition. Two prints, up to A3 size, of images taken since the previous AGM.