Andrew Whyte gave a fascinating talk about his long exposure and night time photography. He very kindly provided links to some of the materials that he uses in his photography:
The reference sheet can be found here (but this link no longer works): http://www.longexposures.co.uk/long-exposure-photography-cheat-sheet.pdf
The software I used for stacking startrails is StarStaX available for download from www.StarStaX.net
And then there’s the two apps I mentioned – PhotoPills is the photo & night sky planning guide for all smartphones- SlowShutter Cam is the long exposure app that I used but I think it’s iPhone only
A couple of further useful items:
The perspex sheet and rods are available on eBay- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIGHT-EMITTING-FLUORESCENT-GLOW-NEON-ACRYLIC-RODS-4-SIZES-5-COLOURS/202043216257?hash=item2f0ab6d181:m:m78ttojROGmCSPSJppnk9Zg:rk:13:pf:0
The smoky lighting effect was created with Electro Luminescent Wire (EL Wire), also available on eBay-https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/elwirecraft/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
This was not mentioned by Andrew but for those interested in stacking astro images, the following page might be of interest: https://nightskypix.com/how-to-stack-images-of-the-moon/.