Ian Wallace gave a very interesting talk on the history of stereo photography and following in the footsteps of his uncle who took stereo photographs of Scottish locations around the turn of the 20th century. If you missed the talk or want to read more about it, please see Ian’s website: https://www.onahillroad.com/on-a-hill-road-scotland-in-stereo-3d-circa-1902/.
In the second part of the talk he gave demonstrations of apps that can be used to convert into stereo, images taken with your phone or a digital camera. If you are interested trying this, then the following page has some links to the apps that you can try: http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/index.html. Ian gave us a short demonstration of Stereo Photo Maker: http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stphmkr/index.html.
Finally we were able to try it for ourselves and have a closer look at some of the stereo examples and viewers that he had brought along.
Here is an example that you can view in stereo with a red/blue viewer.