The 17th annual Kingsclere Photo Club exhibition was held on the 12th/13th October 2024. 18 club members exhibited a panel of photographs and there was 1 panel from Focal’icy, the photographic club from our twin village of Cormicy, France.
It attracted more than 190 visitors who were invited to choose their favourite photograph from all those on display. The most popular photograph was ‘Great grey owl – Closing in’ by Tony Matthews followed by ‘Great grey owl – Gliding’ by Tony Matthews.
Club members voted for their favourite panel and the favourite was ‘Santorini‘ by Sue Phillips.
Portraits from Abroad by Rowena Hensman
Mooring Lighter No 8 by Sheilah Openshaw
Newbury Living Advent Calendar by Bob Day
The start of summer in the Alps by Rebecca Hedges
Ecuador Birds by Mike Taylor
Irresistible Little Owls by Liz Hammond
Death of the Office Park by Gareth Martin
Local Flora and Fauna by Les Hensman
Banger Racing by Mark OLeary
Whales of the Canadian Pacific by Chris Brown
Surreal Nature by Mike Harrison
Not the Usual Garden Birds by Des ODonnell
A selection of bird photographs by Mick Snyder
Santorini by Sue Phillips
A retrospective collection by Paul Enters
A selection of recent photographs by Rodolph de Salis
Various from our twin village by Cormicy France